Connector Ecosystem

A Gateway to Comprehensive Cyber Asset & Exposure Intelligence

Discover the potential of your infrastructure with the Noetic Connector Ecosystem. Our standards-based connectors give organizations the power to maintain an agile, integrated framework that evolves in tandem with their needs. Whether your data resides in the cloud or on-premises, Noetic connectors serve as the key to unlocking a single, authoritative source of truth.

What is a Noetic Connector?

A Noetic connector is an API-based integration between the Noetic platform and other security, cloud infrastructure, networking and IT Management tools. Based on the OpenAPI specifications, Noetic connectors are lightweight and easy to deploy, needing only the relevant credentials to access data.

Noetic connectors are bi-directional, ingesting relevant security data and also driving actions based on pre-configured workflows. These actions use specific workflows and functions that are packaged with the connector, such as updating data in the CMDB, creating a ticket or deploying a missing security agent.

Noetic provides connectors for all major security tools, with new and updated connectors being added on a monthly basis. The Noetic team also creates custom connectors for enterprise-specific systems.

Comprehensive Standards-Based Library
Library of different companies connectors and their version number

Our library of pre-built connectors encompasses an array of the most common IT, security and risk management tools. From vulnerability scanners to endpoint detection & response (EDR) stools, our standards-based connectors support a broad range of applications.

Simple, flexible deployment
Noetic Platform Connectors tab on iMac

Noetic connectors are agentless, easy to deploy and configure. Connectors can be scheduled to run data ingest and support extended enterprise use cases.

Bidirectional Data Flow
Noetic platform with many company logos

Noetic’s bidirectional connectors allow data to flow into Noetic’s dashboards & reporting, as well as the ability to update information on other tools. This two-way exchange facilitates real-time data synchronization and ensures that the most current and relevant information is accessible across your environment.

Synergy Between Cloud and On-Premises
Noetic logo surrounded by other company logos inside white circles

Noetic Outpost is a dedicated gateway for securely integrating on-premises, private and public cloud data sources, ensuring they seamlessly interact with the other tools and platforms in your Noetic ecosystem.

External Data Enrichment
NIST, MITRE, FIRST and CISA logos inside colored boxes next to the Noetic logo

Noetic goes beyond conventional integrations to empower organizations with the latest threat intelligence so teams can proactively respond to emerging threats.

Key Features

Library of different companies connectors and their version number

Our library of pre-built connectors encompasses an array of the most common IT, security and risk management tools. From vulnerability scanners to endpoint detection & response (EDR) stools, our standards-based connectors support a broad range of applications.

Comprehensive Standards-Based Library
Noetic Platform Connectors tab on iMac

Noetic connectors are agentless, easy to deploy and configure. Connectors can be scheduled to run data ingest and support extended enterprise use cases.

Simple, flexible deployment
Noetic platform with many company logos

Noetic’s bidirectional connectors allow data to flow into Noetic’s dashboards & reporting, as well as the ability to update information on other tools. This two-way exchange facilitates real-time data synchronization and ensures that the most current and relevant information is accessible across your environment.

Bidirectional Data Flow
Noetic logo surrounded by other company logos inside white circles

Noetic Outpost is a dedicated gateway for securely integrating on-premises, private and public cloud data sources, ensuring they seamlessly interact with the other tools and platforms in your Noetic ecosystem.

Synergy Between Cloud and On-Premises
NIST, MITRE, FIRST and CISA logos inside colored boxes next to the Noetic logo

Noetic goes beyond conventional integrations to empower organizations with the latest threat intelligence so teams can proactively respond to emerging threats.

External Data Enrichment

Featured Integrations

Detecting Endpoint Coverage Gaps with SentinelOne

The Noetic–SentinelOne integration goes beyond plugging coverage gaps, enabling a proactive approach to endpoint security.

  • Automatically Eliminate Coverage Gaps: Automate the proactive deployment of SentinelOne agents to eliminate endpoint coverage gaps from rogue, unprotected systems and devices.
  • Implement Beyond the Standard Perimeter: Broaden the scope of XDR implementation to a broader asset inventory for better visibility, detection, and remediation
  • Maintain Comprehensive Insight: Noetic correlates XDR telemetry with other cyber assets within the business ecosystem for maximum coverage, context, and insight
Noetic and Sentinel One logos
Noetic Cyber™ – SentinelOne Connector

Tenable, Recourded Future, First, and CISA logos inside colored boxes next to the Noetic logo

Leveraging Tenable, CISA and FIRST for Effective Vulnerability Prioritization

Noetic’s integration with Tenable, Recorded Future, CISA, and FIRST provides a comprehensive approach to vulnerability management. By consolidating diverse data sources and facilitating actionable insights, it empowers organizations to prioritize vulnerabilities efficiently, take proactive measures, and enhance their overall cybersecurity posture.

  • Import the vulnerability scan information, including assets identified by Tenable
  • Append external intelligence feeds such as CISA and FIRST
  • Consolidating data into a single source of truth, to rapidly identify which actions drive the most impact according to the aggregate risk score
  • Bilateral connection allows users to includes a workflow to initiate a scan against single or multiple hosts
Noetic Connector Ecosystem - Vulnerability Prioritization example

CMDB Enrichment with ServiceNow

Noetic merges the rich asset data stored within your ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB) with other tool and system outputs to instill confidence and trust in the accuracy of your CMDB data.

  • Combine asset data from ServiceNow CMDB with other security tools to drive unique insights into security coverage gaps, high-risk assets, and the current state of an organization’s attack surface
  • Increase the trust in the CMDB, allowing stakeholders to concentrate on remediation rather than determining data accuracy
Noetic and Service Now logos
Noetic Cyber Connector Ecosystem - CMDB enrichment example with ServiceNow