Customizable Dashboards
& Reporting

Noetic dashboard and reporting capabilities are as dynamic as your organizational objectives. Whether you’re a CISO gathering cyber risk insights for the board or a GRC leader collecting controls evidence for an upcoming audit, Noetic translates your data into tailored dashboards that drive informed decision-making.

Exposure Management
Exposure Management

The Exposure Management dashboard delivers timely insights into the current level of risk and exposure. It breaks down the different types of exposures—vulnerabilities, cloud configurations, missing authentication controls, etc.—and maps them to high-risk machines and business services.

Exposure Management dashboard in the Noetic Cyber platform
CISO Dashboard
Chief Information Security Officer

The Noetic platform provides a centralized view for CISOs to truly understand the organization's security posture. It provides key insights around total exposure and attack surface, exploitable vulnerabilities and high-risk users, providing actionable insights through intuitive visualizations and analytics.

Noetic Cyber Dashboard: Daily Risk Reporting
Infrastructure Overview
Infrastructure and Data Overview

The Infrastructure Overview dashboard provides the security team with a holistic view of the organization's IT infrastructure, breaking down the different networks, machines and resources by business unit or location. It aggregates data from networking, IT management and security tooling to provide an overview of the current security posture and technical health of the organization.

Noetic Cyber dashboard: Infrastructure overview
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Fully Customizable Elements

Adaptability isn’t just a feature; it’s a philosophy here at Noetic. We give users complete control over their dashboards, allowing elements to be created based on any query within the platform. This flexibility ensures that every piece of information vital to operations is visible on the dashboard, providing a truly personalized experience.

Out-of-the-Box Dashboards

In addition to customizable elements, Noetic offers pre-built, out-of-the-box dashboards designed to provide quick insights. These ready-made dashboards cover common IT, security, and GRC metrics, serving as a starting point for users looking to gain immediate visibility into key aspects of their cyber ecosystem.

Time Trending Capabilities

Noetic’s time trending capabilities enable users to observe and analyze changes, patterns, and trends in data metrics and performance indicators across various time frames. Users can choose specific timeframes such as hours, days, weeks, months, or years to observe data changes in granular detail or track long-term trends.

Flexible Export Options

Effortlessly extract the data and visualizations displayed on your dashboards with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for laborious report generation and evidence collection. Various export formats are available, including PDF and CSV, ensuring that exports can be easily shared across the organization.

Automated Report Scheduling

The platform offers scheduled and automated reporting capabilities, allowing users to set up regular intervals for report generation and distribution. This functionality is particularly useful for delivering updates or insights to stakeholders at predefined times without manual intervention, enhancing efficiency and timeliness in communication.

Key Features

Adaptability isn’t just a feature; it’s a philosophy here at Noetic. We give users complete control over their dashboards, allowing elements to be created based on any query within the platform. This flexibility ensures that every piece of information vital to operations is visible on the dashboard, providing a truly personalized experience.

Fully Customizable Elements

In addition to customizable elements, Noetic offers pre-built, out-of-the-box dashboards designed to provide quick insights. These ready-made dashboards cover common IT, security, and GRC metrics, serving as a starting point for users looking to gain immediate visibility into key aspects of their cyber ecosystem.

Out-of-the-Box Dashboards

Noetic’s time trending capabilities enable users to observe and analyze changes, patterns, and trends in data metrics and performance indicators across various time frames. Users can choose specific timeframes such as hours, days, weeks, months, or years to observe data changes in granular detail or track long-term trends.

Time Trending Capabilities

Effortlessly extract the data and visualizations displayed on your dashboards with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for laborious report generation and evidence collection. Various export formats are available, including PDF and CSV, ensuring that exports can be easily shared across the organization.

Flexible Export Options

The platform offers scheduled and automated reporting capabilities, allowing users to set up regular intervals for report generation and distribution. This functionality is particularly useful for delivering updates or insights to stakeholders at predefined times without manual intervention, enhancing efficiency and timeliness in communication.

Automated Report Scheduling

Personalize Your View

Tailor dashboards to specific needs, providing each user with the exact information crucial for their role or department within
the organization.

Eliminate Mundane Tasks

Reduce the time spent on manual data collection and report generation by leveraging automated processes, allowing teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

Fuel Informed Decisions

Access to real-time and historical data trends enables informed decision-making based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Generate Comprehensive Reports

Provide stakeholders with clear and easily digestible visualizations, fostering transparency and understanding across the organization.

Share Timely Insights

Scheduled automated reports ensure timely and consistent delivery of updates or insights to stakeholders,
improving communication efficiency.

Prepare for Compliance and Audits

Simplify evidence collection for audits by having easily accessible and structured data, facilitating compliance with
regulatory standards.