
How to Mitigate Cyber Risks Through a Threat Exposure Management Program with Infosecurity Magazine

Rapid digitization in the past few years has led to an explosion of digital assets across different cloud services, SaaS applications and remote devices within organizations. These assets have their own security profiles, vulnerabilities and access to critical datasets, significantly expanding business’ cyber-attack surface and level of exposure.

Therefore, for security teams to effectively manage and reduce their cyber risks, they must have visibility of the many different assets across their organization’s system and the differing levels of threat they pose. This will allow an accurate analysis of the impact of a breach and the security controls required to mitigate this threat.

In this webinar, a panel of experts will highlight:

  • Best practices on leveraging existing security and IT data sources to map cyber relationships and risk across the organization
  • How to identify security coverage gaps and ‘toxic combinations’ relevant to your business
  • Industry best practice on how to implement an exposure management program in your organization